Au plus près des requins

For this shoot, our cinematographer Jean-Charles Granjon joined the Bonne Pioche production for 4 weeks of shooting on the islands of Darwin and Wolf; the two jewels of the Galapagos. 70 hours of rebreather and shooting with our RED Helium in some of the most preserved places on the planet in contact with hammerheads, whales, and Galapagos sharks. Rushes of great sharks shot by Jean-Charles on a previous project off the coast of New Mexico were also edited into the film.
Underwater shots: Jean-Charles Granjon
Equipment: RED Helium
Director: Jean-Albert Lièvre
Distribution: France TV
Category: Documentaire
Synopsis: To give birth, some female sharks embark on long journeys. Journeys during which they risk their lives. They must find their way through the vastness of the oceans, feed, find a partner, weave alliances, and escape from their predators and sometimes from men. Their odysseys are an opportunity to discover the great family of sharks, composed of more than 400 species.