Silence in the med

Silence in the med

Silence en méditerranée - go to executive production - - go to portfolio - Production: Bluearth Production / Coproduction France 3 PACA, Occitanie, Viastella / With the support of the CNC, the South Region, and the RMC Water Agency. Director: Jean Charles Granjon...
700 sharks in the night

700 sharks in the night

700 requins dans la nuit - see the line production - - see the portfolio - 3 weeks of night shooting in the middle of a shark frenzy. Category: Documentaire Diffuser: ARTE Equipment: Rebreather / SUBSPACE housing / Underwater filming in 4K slow motion Underwater...
La Bulle Bleue

La Bulle Bleue

LA BULLE BLEUE - see the line production - - see the portfolio - Author-Director: Andréa Haug Production: Bluearth Production / France 3 PACA Equipment: Bluearth Production / France 3 PACA Images: Jean-Charles Granjon Diffuser: France 3 Provence Alpes Côte...


Te vaanui, l’odyssée d’Ismaël - see the line production - - see the portfolio - Director : Jean-Charles Granjon Production : Bluearth Production Technicals ressources: Bluearth Production Underwater shots: Jean-Charles Granjon Diffuser : France TV Synopsis...
REGALEC, first contact with the king fish

REGALEC, first contact with the king fish

Régalec, premiers contacts avec le poisson roi – 52’ - see the line production - - see the portfolio - Directors: Bertrand Loyer Production: Saint Thomas Production Diffuser: ARTE Category: Documentaire Moyens techniques: Underwater filming with RED Dragon Underwater...